tiistai 20. marraskuuta 2012

Gratification to Ego!

Gratification to ego, that is my way.
I worship myself and with ego I play.
They say me don´t be selfish, think others as well.
But I say to them, oh really, what the hell.
I´m a free human being, living mostly for myself.
So I do not want feel guilty or live in mental hell.
I want to make things which please myself,
enjoy my life and worship my living self.
So don´t call me selfish if I do what I wish.
I don´t steal it from you, cause my life is this.

Wrote by: Janina

lauantai 10. marraskuuta 2012


Two words I meet very often in my life are Magic and Spirituality. In most of the cases when I meet them they are attached together by saying that these two somehow belongs together. You have to be spiritual to success in magic.

Is it so?

I am a member of the Church of Satan and though I do not speak for the church cause I am not spokesperson for our religion, I will still talk a little about this issue here at my Chamber. Satanism as religion is totally carnal, this might surprise many persons who think us as some kind of Satan worshipers or exorcists of demons or what ever. Our tradition is carnal, we do not worship god, devil, or any known spiritual entities. For Satanist him- or herself is the center of universe, ones own god.

There is nowadays a plenty of magical schools who teach that magic is spiritual tool, something we do for others unselfishly same time we prey the gods or goddesses to give us this or that ability and try to play that we do it all just for others. For Satanist the starting point and motivation is totally different when compared to other schools of magic. Our magic starts from being selfish and denying all the aspects of hypocrisy. We do not hold any ideas of heavenly glory or afterlife so we do not need to run after salvation or karma. We start from the knowledge that our life and our days of glory are here and now. With this understanding we use Ritual as psychodrama to balance our psychic systems from guilty, remorse, hypocrisy and many other ´negative´ feelings that might prevent us from being balanced, happy person we want to be.

This obviously directs to the issue I have heard quite often in discussions about Satanism in public. The claim that Satanists sacrifice animals to the demons. Every rational person understands that if Satanism, like it is, is totally carnal religion without god or spirit to worship it would be idiotic to sacrifice animals to deities. Actually the best known animal sacrifice descriptions come from Christian Bible not from teachings of Satanism. Satanism teaches very clearly in The Nine Satanic Statements that man is just another animal, sometimes better but more often worse than those that walk on all-fours. Human being is just another form of animals, but with his intelligence he has separate himself from nature. Other species like cats and dogs live by their animal nature without guilt or hypocrisy, so how would there be any sense to sacrifice your superior to gods whom does not even exist? Satanist only sacrifices himself in the act of magic, that is the most powerful sacrifice one may do.

I have once or twice been asked the question “why do you practice magic if you do not believe in spiritual, supernormal, phenomenons?”

My answer and the conclusion for that is, because what I do does not include any supernatural aspects. What I do is live in resonance with nature itself. I have no intention to make myself to be some spiritual superwoman, but live in connection with nature enjoying same time life. My one and only life!

Wrote by: Janina

sunnuntai 19. elokuuta 2012

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning, so hard to stay. I want to go to out and play
Sunday morning rainy day. How could I go to out to play?
The rain´s excuse, Sunday as well.
If I decide, then I go bloody hell.
All excuses just weak the mind. Be though as you are.
Or your weakness makes you blind.

Sunday morning, rainy day.
I go and play, I do not just stay.
I have to do what I decide in my mind.
I am leader not follower, I am not a blind!

The ruler of my world, the center of universe.
I am my own god, not believer in faith.
I do what I wish and follow my own needs.
So out I just go now and I play like I feel!

Wrote by: Janina

lauantai 4. elokuuta 2012

The man is the creator!

The man is the creator, god his image
the man is the creator whom spiritual limits
Man is the god, only one that exists.
Man is the god, which religion does not fix.

I am the god of my own universe.
I am the god behold others would be perverse.
There is no other god, no heavenly afterlife.
Why would I live like the nun who is the gods wife.

I just wish to live, do the things that I like
I don´t feel the need to worship the creature of I
I want to fulfill all my needs here and now.
Don´t want to wait mercy or any gods front of bow.

The man indeed is the only god that exists
The spiritual religion with it´s cure does not me fix.
I am the atheist, do not worship any god.
Except only myself, these bones and this blood!

Wrote by: Janina

tiistai 26. kesäkuuta 2012


Religious freedom is a noble word, it means you have right to practice your own religion and the traditions of that religion with your own standards, or belong or not to belong to any religious society. Every person also has right to refuse from practicing any religion if they wish.

I live in country where this noble principle has been written to constitution and the law gives to everybody the full right to live with his or her religious views. At the same time I happen to live in country where we still have the State Church. How does these two go hand in hand? How does these two work together.

I think they won´t!

In my home country Finland which is directed to Northern Europe the main religious society is called Lutheran Church, they have the label “State Church”, they have right to collect taxes from people and companies they have right to marry people and they have also right to teach in the schools their religion.

I now state my question to you!

How, in the country of religious freedom one religious society can have right to collect taxes when others don´t have the right? How is it even possible to speak about equality in religion when one has rights and others just duties?

I love my country, it´s culture, people and our way of life. I still feel that in some questions it is better to raise your hand than just lay down and wait mercy from others. I don´t want anymore these parasites to suck blood from the honest, hard working citizens of my country. I say, if you want to teach your Christianity in your churches then do it, but not with my money. If the Christian Church cannot stand in it´s own, then perhaps it is their time to fall!

In my home country this discussion is kind of hot potato right now, all our neighbors have already abandoned the idea of one church and gone to more secular direction but here where I live these bloodsucking psychic vampires still hang on the state church label they have. Normal argument one may hear is that church does so much good that we have to support them for that reason. Bollocks say I, church has never done anything for anybody without reason. They only have their purpose to get power and ruling position and that, my dear friends, is against the primary principle of religious freedom!

I support religious freedom from the bottom of my heart, I think everybody should have right to live the way they want as long as they do it by the law of their society, and I very much see the freedom to speech and freedom to religion as parts of that right. Still, I believe in hard working, I believe in earning what you have and enjoying of what you have earned or built by yourself. For that reason I cannot accept that somebody should have right to take from others giving nothing back like Christian Church has done for decades. In the name of freedom we should give all the religious societies no matter what they teach the same possibility to stand or fall by themselves so in the name of our precious principle of religious freedom it is now time to Church to take it´s own responsibility about it´s own capability to manage without outer support from government!

So, my dear, fellow Finns. I now challenge you to raise your hand and ask the question, why should we let one religious society in our country to dominate all the others? Why in the country where freedom is the basic principle one church should anymore have the rights others don´t have?

I know the answer to this question and I hope you do as well!

It is time to support freedom and evolution, not degeneration

Wrote by: Janina

keskiviikko 6. kesäkuuta 2012


I am an outcast, weirdo and geek. Most of my life I have been lonely wolf without a herd to integrate myself in. I guess that is the reason why I really admire people who create their own path.

When I was a kid I already found in myself, very powerful emotions about certain materials and all the sadistic scenes of the novels and movies. I found writers like DeSade in quite early age and got much pleasure out of the pervert atmosphere they created. When I was teenager I first found the terms Sadomasochism and fetishism. What does these words mean? What does it mean to be partaker of such act?

So I am sadomasochist and I am fetishist, I really enjoy playing with power and mix the roles. When I know that in real world I'm a master of my own reality, I can work in the field where I have possibility to make my own decisions and I know that I am definitely not one whose over you or anybody can walk without serious consequences, I really enjoy of the possibility to take the role of the slave in the session.

Some people think we are crazy, and some think we should stop living in “sin” but what does these person know about lust, power and total freedom. What does a christian puritans know about being a total object to lusts and free yourself from the control of strict moral codes for even the moment.

Fetishism is the desire for certain object and sexual pleasure of the chosen object. Fetishist knows how to taste ones sexual life with little lustful objects and get full pleasure without feelings of guilt or remorse. Leather, crossdressing, pvc, or what ever is the object that fulfills ones sexual life is the act of freedom.

Sadomasochism is the act of sadism and masochism. There persons take for short session the roles that suites for their own goals. It mean forgiving the moral, limitations of normal life and all the virtues of goodness for the moment and becoming to animal who only serves his personal pleasure.

So, why would it be, like moralists say, wrong to enjoy ones life as free of limitations created by religion or society? Why would it be wrong to live this one and only life for the most ultimate reason. Enjoyment of ones own life?
Well it is not! Life only has the meaning you yourself give to it so enjoying the chosen lust in the moment you are now living only serves the meaning of your own life.

To me act of sadism and masochism is play with emotions which frees me from the hectic lifestyle of work, school and normal everyday life. I am a so called switch and get the full enjoyment from playing both of the roles. Sometimes I really get pleasure and fun out from being totally slaved. I feel that balancing factor in my life where I normally am quite sadistic person.

So am I odd? I sure am!

Am I weirdo? I am, and I´m proud of it.

I can definitely admit that I am Sadist, masochist and fetishist. I really enjoy dressing up me leather skirt and spank somebody´s buttocks with the whip!

So screw you all whining Christian puritans with your Bibles and with your fear of death. I only live ones, and I do it here and I do it now. I don´t need your hypocritical guidelines to tell me how to live. I alredy know it.
I do what serves my needs best, and live the way I like.

I am sadomasochist and fetishist, I don´t feel shame I am proud of it!

Wrote by:



I have long been a participant in the SETI project and been interested in the possibility that someday somebody will contact us. I have to admit that I am a supporter of the Ancient Astronaut theory and keep it quite probable that our divine gods might have been just quests from other planets and their so called divinity just technical knowledge which our ancestors saw as some kind of miracle.

I am not a spiritualist but very much a pragmatic lay person, so for that reason the idea that God is an astronaut from other planet, not some spiritual being, seems to me more logical than just a fate to some spiritual nonsense.

I was watching a document with my husband. The document told about the ancient Sumerian gods called Anunnaki. These gods came to earth with spaceships and created human race to be their slaves In the document they assumed that this story of annunaki is the base to the story of Adam and Eve from the Christian Bible as well as the character of ancient Egyptian gods.

Though this theory is purely speculative my kind of old Star Trek freak feel it more resonating than the boring teachings of the Bible about some allmighty creator in the heaven watching us from the top of a cloud, controlling everything with his magic powers.

I have allways been in love to these stories about Vampires and Werewolves who were borned from the Ancient Egyptian God so the idea that maybe their base is in another specie which came to earth from another planet is quite fascinating idea and the idea of the being who looks to us almost godlike would just be ordinary member of some other specie who created in the minds of human beings the root for all these magnificent creatures like vampires and werewolves are.

It is obvious that man has created his own gods by himself, but what if the base for that creation came from outer space with a spaceship?

We may never get the answer to these speculations or we might get them even very soon, but one thing is sure. These theories about Anunnaki definitely feed my mind more than spiritual dream of the heavenly glory.

These stories at least have the value of the good entertainment, if nothing more!

keskiviikko 9. toukokuuta 2012

Being Elite

I am a Satanist and Member of the Church of Satan. I still don´t talk for Church of Satan but  only for me!

This time I wanted to put few words about elite and being part of it. What it means to be elite in Satanist standpoint?

Many people assume that being an elite is quality of certain race or certain social class. This is not true, membership in any certain race or social class does not make you an elite. It may make you elitist but not elite.
Being elite in Satanist standpoint means being the best possible in your own career, art and everything you do. Being elite means using ones own creativity with productive way.

Satanism is the religion found by Anton Szandor LaVey, the first High Priest of Church of Satan founded in 1966. He wrote this magnificent book called the Satanic Bible which is the basic text for Satanism and also few other books which specify the philosophy nowadays known as Satanism. LaVey described the thing called elite by saying:
"We are superior, and are superior not by ethnic means, but by the superior force of the will".

This shows very clearly that being elite means first of all that to be elite once should use his or her capacity to create something totally personal and get some merits as being the best possible person. Our willpower have to be strict and we have to take the control of our own lives. We are the center of our own universe so our actions should also be loaded with creativity and will to obtain something precious and meaningful to us. When we reach this goal and start to use our own potential and will to create something we are the elite.

If you think that your origin like race or family status will automatically make you elite you are just fooling yourself. You are like believers who prey salvation and beg mercy from their god.

Being elite is the high standard, it means you have to follow your own path, become best possible you and stop waiting some others to do something for you. It means taking full responsibility of ones life and decisions for once and for all!

Wrote by: Janina

maanantai 7. toukokuuta 2012

Howling to the Moon!

Sometimes I feel I would like to howl to the moon like a wolf and run through the forest roaring with teeth sparkling in the bare moonlight. My inner Werewolf tries to take over my purely rational human side and replace it with my demonic bestial side, the wolf.

I see there is two sides in every human animal, the one we show to the others and the inner more animistic nature. This bestial side is under the topping we call rational human being trying to separate it from nature. Our western society, Christian Church as the leading advocate, has taught  it´s wrong values to human beings for centuries by saying man is something more than his carnal nature, something spiritual and divine. But the truth is man is just an animal, wolf howling the moon.

The idea of spiritual human being has made man to be very cruel animal, we exploit all the other species and the land by using the teachings of Bible as cover. Cause we human animals are something more, something higher we are allowed by the God to do to others as we will. The only price we have to pay for that God who gave us the land is to abandon our true nature and live in denial of all the lusts and passions we meet. This believe in spiritual creature has poisoned our minds and deluded us to believe we can reach some salvation by denying ourself and our true nature. But this, my friends is mistake which distance us from our lives and nature.

I personally think that man is animal, beast. We are hunting animals by our nature so why would I want to deny my inner Werewolf. I have made atonement with my animal side and accept completely that I am just one animal, lonely wolf.

So, I roar to the moon and run through the forest with my teeth sparkling in the bare moonlight, my inner Werewolf tries to take over my purely rational human side and I let it do it. Now my dear friends I am complete. My rational side and animal nature, are one nature. They never actually were anything separate cause I have always been animal called man who just needed to accept the animal side. Werewolf.

wrote by: Janina

tiistai 24. huhtikuuta 2012

Say it loud!

I say it loud, that I am proud.
Proud of being me, proud thinking purely free.
I would not live like Slave, I do not want to obey.
My way is question all, I want always have the ball.
Believers call me sinner, their fate is just my dinner.
they say I´m going to hell, for that I say just well.

I say it loud, freethinker and proud.
I don´t obey religious authority,
that´s the reason I am always minority
But hey, what the hell.
I am totally free to tell
Think everything for yourself.
Not just for  your God, who can´t save you at all
It is better to be little odd, and say I am my own god.
that´s why I say it loud. I am Satanist, and I´m proud!

wrote by: Janina


Slave is the one who always does what´s been told.
Slave always under his masters command is on his own.
Slave never question any rules of his life.
Slave only search liberation from skies.
Slave doesn´t have any will of his own.
Slave only prays by his gods all alone.
Slave still believes heaven all suffer takes away.
But Slave for that reason always miserably stay!

Wrote by: Janina

Satan, the symbol!

Satan, the symbol what does it represent?
Satan, the symbol does it have an existence?
Satan means rebellion and thinking yourself,
not worship of devil or will to go hell.
Satan means study of potential of yourself,
It is not some deity living in hell.

I am the production of my animal
I don´t search my answers from
some blind fate through.
Satan is the symbol of my animal side.
That´s all what I need for, that´s a Satanic pride!

So what does the Satan, symbol represent?
Just being an human and animal, my friend!

Wrote by: Janina

perjantai 20. huhtikuuta 2012

Oh magic spell!

Oh magic spell, what can you tell.
what is the truth about witches self?

My thoughts are free, and words to flee.
All I want now is happy me.

So magic spell to me you tell.
How me I worship just as well.

Magic is way, spell the tool.
If something outside you worship
you are the fool.

There is no God outside my mind.
so all there is, is me to find.

So magic spell told me the truth.
what´s good for me is the highest good!


perjantai 13. huhtikuuta 2012

Shopping at the Bookstore

I had to order a new copy of one of my favorite books Satanic Witch cause my old one is already seen it´s best days after many page through sessions. I ordered my book from store which is one of the best and most reliable book sellers in my living area.

I got normally text message to my cellphone after the book had arrived to store, but when I got to store it got interesting..

I went to cash desk where they sell out ordered books and there was pleasant looking young man as seller and soon as I gave my name he changed from correct to very friendly saying "Oh you mean the LaVey book". He said this with the voice which sounded like he and Doctor had been at least best friends or something. He talked to me like his old friend and I also noted he knew many manners very familiar Lesser Magic techniques. I was very impressed by the behavior of this young man and if I wouldn´t ever have studied these techniques myself I would have bought many more books from this guy. Now I just paid my book and walked out. Seems like somebody else have been studying lesser magic as well..wink

lauantai 31. maaliskuuta 2012

Epicurean philosophy and Atheism

I could describe my philosophy also with terms Epicurean Atheism so I decided now to write few words about Epicurean philosophy.

So what do I mean by saying I am epicurean?

Epicurean philosophy is often referred to be the form of hedonism, but unlike hedonism it teaches that the way to attain pleasure is to live modestly and to gain knowledge of the workings of the world and the limits of one's own desires. this means epicurean lifestyle is not just hedonism which argues that pleasure is the only intrinsic good In and strives to maximize the pleasure.

Epicurean philosophy teaches that pleasure is the greatest good for human but it is not just habit to fulfill ones pleasures. It is more like studying your own limits and getting knowledge how to avoid suffering. That´s why epicurean philosophers often said that absence of pain is the greatest pleasure.

Epicurean philosophy supports simple life and knowledge which frees one from fear of the death and pain. Epicurean philosophy of course has the aspect of enjoying ones life but with responsible way. Man has to take the responsibility of his own decisions and live with the consequences of his own choices.

As epicurean I think it is important for me to respect the rules of society and live in  a dissident way also respecting other people, animals and nature. I do not feel interest for drinking or using drugs, stealing something belonging to others or stuff like that which very commonly is attached to hedonistic lifestyle.

To me the way to reach my goal is to study the world and to study myself. I control in some level my desires so I can enjoy them more when reaching pleasure and that is how I would describe epicurean philosophy in my life.

Epicurean philosophy historically emphasizes the neutrality of the gods, that they do not interfere with human lives. It states that gods, matter, and souls are all made up of atoms. Souls are made from atoms, and gods possess souls, The Epicureans also used the atomist theories of Democritus and Leucippus to assert that man has free will. They held that all thoughts are merely atoms swerving randomly. This explanation served to satisfy people who wondered anxiously about their role in the universe.

In my life and religion the epicurean philosophy ends to other term which I also use often to describe my religious views Atheism. I start my religious thinking from simple atheism which in my case means I have no God or Master in higher level giving me orders for my life. When I talk about atheism I still do not attach to the idea of atheism cause I will not while lacking evidence say "there is no god" or vice versa. In my thinking atheism goes with atom theory and I would say that it does not matter in my case if there is god or not. I am like I am and I will always be like this, so this issue does not have any influence to my earthly actions.

Atom theory supports the idea that if there is God, that God still have the limited existence cause he has been born from same materialistic aspects than human beings.

I see that Atheism and Epicurean philosophy with materialistic atom theories free me from fear of the death very effectively. I am an individual made of material which is the base of the whole universe. For that reason I am part of the universe in deeper level so why would I bother about it. When I die I vanish to emptiness and become part of the universe. Until that moment, I will continue my epicurean life enjoying with small pieces of happiness in my life like cup of good coffee and philosophical discussions with my friends!

torstai 22. maaliskuuta 2012

Why do I support gay marriages?

Homosexuality is a sin yelled Christian conservative politician in television show I was watching with my husband in our department. Homosexuality is sin cause the Bible says so she continued saying that is the reason why Christian Church should never approve gay couples or bless them to marriage with Christian ceremony.

I started to think why is this issue so hot potato for people? Isn´t it the one and the same who loves who, if two adult individuals find love between them? Why Church even has the right to say what is wrong and what is right? I mean I did not give my legitimation for them anyway..

I started to study this issue and find out that  worldwide we have some 1500 different animal species who practice homosexual activities. Over 500 species has been even documented. So where is the base for claim about unnatural roots of homosexualism. Could it be that it is not unnatural at all but it has made to be unnatural cause it is sin by tradition which tries to kill our natural instincts and replace it with purely spiritual harmony? I don´t know!

Still after some study and research I started to meditate this question by myself thinking what is my view about this issue? I did not find even one argument for denial of the right to have marriage right for gays and lesbians. Church in the western society today has been expressing these claims only cause their old hocuspocus fairytale Holy Bible says it in the book of Moses. Church has forgotten one important factor in the picture. It is that when the book was written there was only few of us human beings, that is the reason why it was very important to get population increase bigger and vaster. That might have been truth then but it definitely is not today cause mankind is already over populated anyway.

Even if we watch the reason to deny homosexuality thousands a years ago we do not find reasons to claim it to unnatural. Love is love with all these 1500 homo species. That is why I support gay marriage. It is natural choice of adult human beings and being natural is the path I follow more than spiritual dreams of some mystical heaven level.

lauantai 17. maaliskuuta 2012

Satan worship or Satanism?

So you are a Satanist?

Does it mean you... Worship Satan?

This time I decided to write about Satanism, and like you fellow Satanists and every other readers noticed I started it with question does Satanism have something to do with devil worship. The answer for this question is very simple. No. Satanism has absolutely nothing to do with devil worship. Actually Satanists, as they say, does not worship anything at all.

I started to study this question after I took part in discussions of Satanism in many many Internet portals and it seemed that public opinion and people who held this believe did have completely different vision about this issue than Satanists themself did so of course I also wanted to say my heavy word about this subject.

Satanist as far as I know is the person who does not hold any spiritual ideas about divinity, he does not have god or goddess to worship, he does not worry about his karma or rebirth, and he does not wait punish or prize after this life. Actually Satanists whom I know say almost all that they are atheists. Satanists also say very often that "we are our own gods" which is the way to say that Satanist makes himself the center of the universe he is living in.

Satanists has very powerful symbol called Satan, maybe that could be described also with the word Natural Law, man is animal and accepting his animal nature is the Satanic way to act in the world. Satan like we all for sure know is the hebrew word for adversary, so in this sense Satanism is the adversary against spirituality which works against human nature, his animal nature.

One thing which came to my mind is that if this is the simple fact and obvious truth about Satanism, why there is so much accusations against them about devil worship and other spiritual activities?

It looks that many of these accusations come from Christian societies which call themselves "good" and everything outside their teachings "evil". It looks that many of the aspects of the Satanic Panic are straight lies against Satanic people just because Christianity needs enemy, Church could only exist because it have this naturally balancing aspect which it calls the evil and it could not continue if there would not be some nature which they need to try to destroy.

So if I, your honest writer, have understood ańything about this issue it seems very obvious to me that Satanism is the balancing factor which denies all the spiritual traditions and has for that reason to be the adversary, Satan.

But if the Satanism is natural and spirituality fights against the natural state, then what could the person called an Satanist worship except maybe.... his own nature?

lauantai 4. helmikuuta 2012

Night Creatures


There are two kind of people walking on this earth, the majority which lives in the sunlight and the brightness.Day people And then there are those whom stir at the darkness and shadows, the night creatures. I am definitely those so called night people. I get all my best ideas at the night time and create something new in these so called dark hours.

I have been thinking how the normal people seem to scare darkness, walking in the areas with no light like forest or suburbia, and have been thinking maybe that is the natural state of being. Maybe there is big majority of people whom need their herd conformity to feel themselves powerful and save and then there is this little alienated elite whom are the lonely wolfs howling the moon by themselves.
maybe we, the creatures of the night are different specie than those with their herds and are destined to stir in the shadows until the darkness vanishes the light and our time starts, time of shadows and darkness.

I like to walk the nearby forest path in near of our residence and some have asked me don´t you scare to go out in the darkness and walk through the the light less forest, but why should I scare, I´m in home when walking in darkness, why would I scare attack from dark though I am the scariest thing in darkness anyway.

So yes, some people are definitely born to stir in darkness. They are born to be strong individual and black sheep of their society. I am definitely one with no herd giving me false safety. Lonely wolf wolf whom howls the moon in the darkness for ever, and ever, and ever