Two words I meet very often in my life
are Magic and Spirituality. In most of the cases when I meet them
they are attached together by saying that these two somehow belongs
together. You have to be spiritual to success in magic.
Is it so?
I am a member of the Church of Satan
and though I do not speak for the church cause I am not spokesperson
for our religion, I will still talk a little about this issue here at
my Chamber. Satanism as religion is totally carnal, this might
surprise many persons who think us as some kind of Satan worshipers
or exorcists of demons or what ever. Our tradition is carnal, we do
not worship god, devil, or any known spiritual entities. For Satanist
him- or herself is the center of universe, ones own god.
There is nowadays a plenty of magical
schools who teach that magic is spiritual tool, something we do for
others unselfishly same time we prey the gods or goddesses to give us
this or that ability and try to play that we do it all just for
others. For Satanist the starting point and motivation is totally
different when compared to other schools of magic. Our magic starts
from being selfish and denying all the aspects of hypocrisy. We do
not hold any ideas of heavenly glory or afterlife so we do not need
to run after salvation or karma. We start from the knowledge that our
life and our days of glory are here and now. With this understanding
we use Ritual as psychodrama to balance our psychic systems from
guilty, remorse, hypocrisy and many other ´negative´ feelings that
might prevent us from being balanced, happy person we want to be.
This obviously directs to the issue I
have heard quite often in discussions about Satanism in public. The
claim that Satanists sacrifice animals to the demons. Every rational
person understands that if Satanism, like it is, is totally carnal
religion without god or spirit to worship it would be idiotic to
sacrifice animals to deities. Actually the best known animal
sacrifice descriptions come from Christian Bible not from teachings
of Satanism. Satanism teaches very clearly in The Nine Satanic
Statements that man is just another animal, sometimes better but more
often worse than those that walk on all-fours. Human being is just
another form of animals, but with his intelligence he has separate
himself from nature. Other species like cats and dogs live by their
animal nature without guilt or hypocrisy, so how would there be any
sense to sacrifice your superior to gods whom does not even exist?
Satanist only sacrifices himself in the act of magic, that is the
most powerful sacrifice one may do.
I have once or twice been asked the
question “why do you practice magic if you do not believe in
spiritual, supernormal, phenomenons?”
My answer and the conclusion for that
is, because what I do does not include any supernatural aspects. What
I do is live in resonance with nature itself. I have no intention to
make myself to be some spiritual superwoman, but live in connection
with nature enjoying same time life. My one and only life!
Wrote by: Janina