tiistai 26. kesäkuuta 2012


Religious freedom is a noble word, it means you have right to practice your own religion and the traditions of that religion with your own standards, or belong or not to belong to any religious society. Every person also has right to refuse from practicing any religion if they wish.

I live in country where this noble principle has been written to constitution and the law gives to everybody the full right to live with his or her religious views. At the same time I happen to live in country where we still have the State Church. How does these two go hand in hand? How does these two work together.

I think they won´t!

In my home country Finland which is directed to Northern Europe the main religious society is called Lutheran Church, they have the label “State Church”, they have right to collect taxes from people and companies they have right to marry people and they have also right to teach in the schools their religion.

I now state my question to you!

How, in the country of religious freedom one religious society can have right to collect taxes when others don´t have the right? How is it even possible to speak about equality in religion when one has rights and others just duties?

I love my country, it´s culture, people and our way of life. I still feel that in some questions it is better to raise your hand than just lay down and wait mercy from others. I don´t want anymore these parasites to suck blood from the honest, hard working citizens of my country. I say, if you want to teach your Christianity in your churches then do it, but not with my money. If the Christian Church cannot stand in it´s own, then perhaps it is their time to fall!

In my home country this discussion is kind of hot potato right now, all our neighbors have already abandoned the idea of one church and gone to more secular direction but here where I live these bloodsucking psychic vampires still hang on the state church label they have. Normal argument one may hear is that church does so much good that we have to support them for that reason. Bollocks say I, church has never done anything for anybody without reason. They only have their purpose to get power and ruling position and that, my dear friends, is against the primary principle of religious freedom!

I support religious freedom from the bottom of my heart, I think everybody should have right to live the way they want as long as they do it by the law of their society, and I very much see the freedom to speech and freedom to religion as parts of that right. Still, I believe in hard working, I believe in earning what you have and enjoying of what you have earned or built by yourself. For that reason I cannot accept that somebody should have right to take from others giving nothing back like Christian Church has done for decades. In the name of freedom we should give all the religious societies no matter what they teach the same possibility to stand or fall by themselves so in the name of our precious principle of religious freedom it is now time to Church to take it´s own responsibility about it´s own capability to manage without outer support from government!

So, my dear, fellow Finns. I now challenge you to raise your hand and ask the question, why should we let one religious society in our country to dominate all the others? Why in the country where freedom is the basic principle one church should anymore have the rights others don´t have?

I know the answer to this question and I hope you do as well!

It is time to support freedom and evolution, not degeneration

Wrote by: Janina

keskiviikko 6. kesäkuuta 2012


I am an outcast, weirdo and geek. Most of my life I have been lonely wolf without a herd to integrate myself in. I guess that is the reason why I really admire people who create their own path.

When I was a kid I already found in myself, very powerful emotions about certain materials and all the sadistic scenes of the novels and movies. I found writers like DeSade in quite early age and got much pleasure out of the pervert atmosphere they created. When I was teenager I first found the terms Sadomasochism and fetishism. What does these words mean? What does it mean to be partaker of such act?

So I am sadomasochist and I am fetishist, I really enjoy playing with power and mix the roles. When I know that in real world I'm a master of my own reality, I can work in the field where I have possibility to make my own decisions and I know that I am definitely not one whose over you or anybody can walk without serious consequences, I really enjoy of the possibility to take the role of the slave in the session.

Some people think we are crazy, and some think we should stop living in “sin” but what does these person know about lust, power and total freedom. What does a christian puritans know about being a total object to lusts and free yourself from the control of strict moral codes for even the moment.

Fetishism is the desire for certain object and sexual pleasure of the chosen object. Fetishist knows how to taste ones sexual life with little lustful objects and get full pleasure without feelings of guilt or remorse. Leather, crossdressing, pvc, or what ever is the object that fulfills ones sexual life is the act of freedom.

Sadomasochism is the act of sadism and masochism. There persons take for short session the roles that suites for their own goals. It mean forgiving the moral, limitations of normal life and all the virtues of goodness for the moment and becoming to animal who only serves his personal pleasure.

So, why would it be, like moralists say, wrong to enjoy ones life as free of limitations created by religion or society? Why would it be wrong to live this one and only life for the most ultimate reason. Enjoyment of ones own life?
Well it is not! Life only has the meaning you yourself give to it so enjoying the chosen lust in the moment you are now living only serves the meaning of your own life.

To me act of sadism and masochism is play with emotions which frees me from the hectic lifestyle of work, school and normal everyday life. I am a so called switch and get the full enjoyment from playing both of the roles. Sometimes I really get pleasure and fun out from being totally slaved. I feel that balancing factor in my life where I normally am quite sadistic person.

So am I odd? I sure am!

Am I weirdo? I am, and I´m proud of it.

I can definitely admit that I am Sadist, masochist and fetishist. I really enjoy dressing up me leather skirt and spank somebody´s buttocks with the whip!

So screw you all whining Christian puritans with your Bibles and with your fear of death. I only live ones, and I do it here and I do it now. I don´t need your hypocritical guidelines to tell me how to live. I alredy know it.
I do what serves my needs best, and live the way I like.

I am sadomasochist and fetishist, I don´t feel shame I am proud of it!

Wrote by:



I have long been a participant in the SETI project and been interested in the possibility that someday somebody will contact us. I have to admit that I am a supporter of the Ancient Astronaut theory and keep it quite probable that our divine gods might have been just quests from other planets and their so called divinity just technical knowledge which our ancestors saw as some kind of miracle.

I am not a spiritualist but very much a pragmatic lay person, so for that reason the idea that God is an astronaut from other planet, not some spiritual being, seems to me more logical than just a fate to some spiritual nonsense.

I was watching a document with my husband. The document told about the ancient Sumerian gods called Anunnaki. These gods came to earth with spaceships and created human race to be their slaves In the document they assumed that this story of annunaki is the base to the story of Adam and Eve from the Christian Bible as well as the character of ancient Egyptian gods.

Though this theory is purely speculative my kind of old Star Trek freak feel it more resonating than the boring teachings of the Bible about some allmighty creator in the heaven watching us from the top of a cloud, controlling everything with his magic powers.

I have allways been in love to these stories about Vampires and Werewolves who were borned from the Ancient Egyptian God so the idea that maybe their base is in another specie which came to earth from another planet is quite fascinating idea and the idea of the being who looks to us almost godlike would just be ordinary member of some other specie who created in the minds of human beings the root for all these magnificent creatures like vampires and werewolves are.

It is obvious that man has created his own gods by himself, but what if the base for that creation came from outer space with a spaceship?

We may never get the answer to these speculations or we might get them even very soon, but one thing is sure. These theories about Anunnaki definitely feed my mind more than spiritual dream of the heavenly glory.

These stories at least have the value of the good entertainment, if nothing more!