Religious freedom is a noble word, it
means you have right to practice your own religion and the traditions
of that religion with your own standards, or belong or not to belong
to any religious society. Every person also has right to refuse from
practicing any religion if they wish.
I live in country where this noble
principle has been written to constitution and the law gives to
everybody the full right to live with his or her religious views. At
the same time I happen to live in country where we still have the
State Church. How does these two go hand in hand? How does these two
work together.
I think they won´t!
In my home country Finland which is
directed to Northern Europe the main religious society is called
Lutheran Church, they have the label “State Church”, they have
right to collect taxes from people and companies they have right to
marry people and they have also right to teach in the schools their
I now state my question to you!
How, in the country of religious
freedom one religious society can have right to collect taxes when
others don´t have the right? How is it even possible to speak about
equality in religion when one has rights and others just duties?
I love my country, it´s culture,
people and our way of life. I still feel that in some questions it is
better to raise your hand than just lay down and wait mercy from
others. I don´t want anymore these parasites to suck blood from the
honest, hard working citizens of my country. I say, if you want to
teach your Christianity in your churches then do it, but not with my
money. If the Christian Church cannot stand in it´s own, then
perhaps it is their time to fall!
In my home country this discussion is
kind of hot potato right now, all our neighbors have already
abandoned the idea of one church and gone to more secular direction
but here where I live these bloodsucking psychic vampires still hang
on the state church label they have. Normal argument one may hear is that
church does so much good that we have to support them for that
reason. Bollocks say I, church has never done anything for anybody
without reason. They only have their purpose to get power and ruling
position and that, my dear friends, is against the primary principle
of religious freedom!
I support religious freedom from the
bottom of my heart, I think everybody should have right to live the
way they want as long as they do it by the law of their society, and
I very much see the freedom to speech and freedom to religion as
parts of that right. Still, I believe in hard working, I believe in
earning what you have and enjoying of what you have earned or built
by yourself. For that reason I cannot accept that somebody should
have right to take from others giving nothing back like Christian
Church has done for decades. In the name of freedom we should give
all the religious societies no matter what they teach the same
possibility to stand or fall by themselves so in the name of our
precious principle of religious freedom it is now time to Church to
take it´s own responsibility about it´s own capability to manage
without outer support from government!
So, my dear, fellow Finns. I now
challenge you to raise your hand and ask the question, why should we
let one religious society in our country to dominate all the others?
Why in the country where freedom is the basic principle one church
should anymore have the rights others don´t have?
I know the answer to this question and
I hope you do as well!